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News Archive: 2023

This are Sanja's events from the past year



Sanja Rozman's performance in Radovljica

On Tuesday, 19. 12,2023 Sanja Rozman presented her new book Prisoners of the Past in the Anton Tomaž Linhart Library Radovljica. Host Urška Kljajič prepared very original questions, which were the basis for an interesting conversation with the audience. Really a wonderful audience


Interview with Sanja Rozman in the Obrazi magazine

 In the December issue of Obrazi magazine you will find an interesting interview by Patricija Fašalek with Sanja Rozman. 

It talks about how Christmas often awakens old wounds in some people, and how life itself directs us to the search for what is meant to fulfill us.

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Interview with Sanja Rozman in the Jana magazine

The November issue of Jana magazine features an excellent interview by Katja Božič with Sanja Rozman, dedicated to the publication of her new book Prisoners of the Past. 


Emphasis: “What really heals is the human relationship. Love, if you will. The fact that someone cares. ”

21. - 22.11.2023

Interview with Sanja Rozman in the Bukla magazine

Read the interview of Vesna Sivec Poljanšek with Sanja Rozman in the new issue of the magazine Bukla, dedicated to the Slovenian Book Fair.



You have chosen an interesting approach to prisoners of the past; The reader follows the story of the client Ana, who comes to you for help, at the same time you panic fragments of your personal story, which in some way enhances the client’s narrative and thus gives it additional meaning with a series of professional, but still popularly written explanations on the subject of mental laws. Have you chosen this approach in order to build a relationship with the reader and to help him/her understand the process of therapy and work on himself/herself?

That was my intention. I have already written about recovery processes in my books Umirjenost and Pogum, but this time I wanted to address also those who are not fond of self-help books and just want to read a good story, and help them learn something along the way. Little is known about how traumatic events in childhood can ruin a person’s life, leading to a few painful misunderstandings and surrendering to fate, when still a lot could have been corrected. Above all, I wanted to describe the process of recovery from trauma that can happen in a safe and affectionate therapeutic relationship. And to describe the relationship, you have to describe both protagonists, what kind of persons they are, how they think, feel, how they feel, what their shadows are from the past.



Interview with Sanja Rozman in the Ona magazine

Today's supplement of the newspaper DELO Ona published an interesting interview with me about my new book Prisoners of the Past, prepared by journalist Nika Vistoropski. 


Trauma still affects us the most when it’s long gone. You write in a book: "War is over, but for the victims it never ends. " Living in peace is a blessing in the broadest sense, whether we talk about geopolitical stability or a healthy family environment. How would you describe the consequences of the wars that people experience?

Vander Kolk, one of the best-known experts in the field, says it takes four generations to clear the consequences of trauma. Four generations that do not shut themselves up within four walls, four generations that strive for peace. We are the fourth generation after World War II. I believe that there is still unresolved pain among all of us. We are still prisoners of the past because we cannot overcome it. The only thing we can do is to pass on all the pain and grief to the next generation. But the worst war raging in Slovenia among the alcoholic parents and their victims.

21. - 22.11.2023

2nd National Conference on
Non-Chemical Addictions,
Brdo pri Kranju

Thirty years ago, I had to convince people that non-chemical addictions even existed. Today, however, the National Institute of Public Health organizes the second national conference on this topic, which is attended by a large number of experts from education and health care. One step closer to making recovery programs available to all who need them.



Sanja Rozman at the 39th Slovenian Book Fair

Sanja Rozman will perform at 39th Slovenian Book Fair on Thursday, 23. 11. 2023 at 6 pm at the Book Fair, Dialog Station.

The popularity of manuals for self-help and personal growth is steadily growing. People in need look for different ways to help each other, and often the book is the first thing we use to make ourselves feel better: we look for comfort, consolation, and advice. But is that enough? How can we find the truth in a flood of books like this? Journalist Nika Vistoropski will reflect on this with therapists and book authors Sanjo Rozman, Urško Ajdišek and Tina Bončino.

See you on Thursday at the Book Fair! 


Sanja Rozman presents her new book to the public

The presentation of the Sanja Rozman presented her new book Prisoners of the Past in the book shop Konzorcij of Mladinska knjiga.

The event brought together the readers of Sanja's books. The host of the event, journalist Nika Vistoropski, asked Sanja about the details of the new book and her psychotherapeutic work, as well as vignettes from the author's personal life.

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Sanja Rozman presents her new book Prisoners of the Past

You are kindly invited to Sanja Rozman's new book presentation. The interview, moderated by journalist Nika Vistoropski, will take place on Thursday, 16 November 2023 at 6 p. m. at the Consortium in Ljubljana.

Doctor and psychotherapist Sanja Rozman writes in her new book Prisoners of the Past that the past writes our destiny based on the beliefs and attitudes we hold.

It was so long ago that we don’t even remember it. In the book, together with her client Ana and through personal stories, she guides us along the path of recognizing the deep laws of spirituality. In their talk, layer by layer, we discover what lies behind difficult behaviors, addictions, violence and bad decisions, and how to avoid repeating our painful past.


New book from Sanja Rozman: Prisoners of the Past, Mladinska knjiga, slovenian language

The long-awaited new book by Sanja Rozman is published and ready for you at and in the bookstores of Mladinska knjiga.

In the book, the author tried to get closer to her loyal audience by explaining the laws of trauma, addiction and recovery through a page turner story. As you follow the narrative of Anna, the client, you will learn about the basic principles of childhood trauma, addictions and the difficult path of recovery. You will understand that even good people sometimes find themselves in situations they swore would never happen to them, and in painful relationships that reopen old, unhealed wounds. Parallel to Ana’s story, you will learn what her psychotherapist experiences and how her past has shaped her, too.

The intertwining of two unique personalities in a special relationship that heals both will reveal to you what the essence of psychotherapy is: a deeply intimate and sincere meeting of people united in mutual trust and hope. Such relationships are a prerequisite for profound personal change and growth of both protagonists.

Stories that guide us with examples of recovery and teach us what are the most important things in life, serve as therapeutic tools. When we read them, something inside of us awakens and grows, so that we begin to experience ourselves and others differently. After reading Prisoners of the Past, you will no longer see the world as a hostile place where danger lurks from everywhere. Rather than that, you will begin to see the potential for love in yourself, people and relationships.

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An interactive program for 'The Traps Of Modern Addictions'

In the studios of and Zavod7 in Nova Gorica we started creating a new series of live interactive sessions THE TRAPS OF MODERN ADDICTIONS.

The show features a live dialogue between the host Bojan Kodelja and the guest psychotherapist and author Sanja Rozman, with seven-to nine graders, their parents and teachers. Behavioral addictions and their perils are presented shortly, followed by the questions from the audience and answers of the expert. The show is sponsored by Slovenian Ministry of Health.


Lectures for the
Ministry of Defense

Retirement represents a drastic change in one’s lifestyle, especially for those who regard their job as a calling. Plenty of employees in the military think of themselves that way, so we support the initiative of the Ministry of Defense to annually organize a seminar for their employees who are about to be retired.

Stress that comes with the big change could be one of the reasons for them to succumb to various forms of addictions. Every year for more than 15 years, psychotherapist and author Sanja Rozman prepared a couple of lectures to prevent this from happening. The usual lectures on alcohol and behavioral addictions were this year compounded with a workshop on meditation as a preventive and therapeutic measure. We had a good time and excellent audience in Hotel Aria at Debeli rtič.



Book club in our Center for Change with Alenka Rebula Tuta

A well-known author of many interesting and powerful books Alenka Rebula Tuta appeared as a guest in our Sunday book club. We enjoyed her deeply meaningful and lengthy answers and explanations of life’s meaningful questions.


Online show Awakening 9 featuring the host Nejc Volarič: Hidden (behavioral) addictions and childhood trauma

Psychotherapist and author Sanja Rozman will appear on Monday April 17th, 2023, at 8 p.m. in the online show with the host Nejc Volarič in conversation about how childhood trauma influences our adulthood and vulnerability to addictions.



Sanja Rozman: One glass is too many and a thousand is not enough

Psychotherapist and author Sanja Rozman will appear on Monday March 27th, 2023, at 6 p.m. to present the lecture on addiction to alcohol: One glass is too many and a thousand is not enough. The event will take place in The Library Oton Župančič in their hall on the 3rd floor.


5th Marathon of Positive Psychology
Better Relationships, Better Life

Sanja Rozman will be teaching at 5. Partner Marathon of Positive Psychology - Better Relationships, Better Life, which will take place on Saturday, 11 March 2023 between 15:30 and 21:00 at the premises of MIC Nova Gorica (Cankarjeva ulica 10, Nova Gorica - lecture room P-05).

The title of the lecture will be: Relationships between Love, Attachment and Dependence.

A few highlights:
When we choose a partner for life, we are more concerned with finding the perfect match than with our own ability to love. We often don’t realize how much they affect us:

  • Attachment styles (according to Ainsworth, Bowlby) developed in early childhood.

  • childhood trauma, especially chronic developmental relationship trauma (Vander Kolk, Herman),

  • Love as a projection of the ideal partner,

  • Patterns of dependence, the true disease of addiction to relationships,

  • Spirituality and notions of a Higher Power.

  • Weaknesses manifest themselves in long-term relationships, and then both partners can become aware of them and decide to seek them out and heal them. Questions that the lecture will answer:

  • What do we mean by the word “love”?

  • Does love always hurt?

  • What does it mean to love "too much"?

  • Why do they say you can’t love others if you don’t love yourself?

  • What is the “true” love we are all looking for?



Interview with Sanja Rozman for ONA magazine:
Money is neither evil nor god.

An article in Ona magazine, a supplement to Delo, talks about how beliefs about self-worth are transferred to money management. Financial infidelity, indebtedness, revenge, the belief that being poor is a virtue, so rich people are dishonest. . . All of this affects our attitude towards money and ultimately also how poor or rich we become and how we treat money.


Book club with Katarina Nadrag -  'Drowned Dreams'

In February, the Book Club of Core Change Institute hosted Katarina Nadrag, author of the shocking biographies “Drowned Dreams” and “Listen to Me, I Sing for You”.

Not only are the books masterfully written, but they are also important to us because they are authentic testimonies of the suffering of children in families where alcohol and other addictions reign supreme.

It is valuable to be able to read such testimonies because they help us to become aware of and remember our own problems as we grew up and understand the harmful consequences that children of alcoholics carry into adulthood.

We want more books like this. Thank you to Katarina and her husband Miha for a really beautiful evening, full of sincere testimonies and faith in the fact that even from such a difficult situation it is possible to grow up upright and good person.



New show about addictions with Sanja Rozman:
'The Rollercoaster to Hell' Part 1

Sanja Rozman has prepared a series of television shows Peklenska gugalnica ( The Rollercoaster to Hell) for, in which she will, on the basis of her many years of experience, explain how behavioral addictions occur and why, what are the consequences, and what addicts or their family members can do to recover and help.

You are invited to watch the first show at the link below!


The first Book Club at the Change Center:
Zlatko Blažič - 'The History of My Heroin Addiction'

The book is an ideal therapeutic tool that can convey anything from the latest professional achievements to the emotional nuances of personal experience, without overstepping the reader’s boundaries.

At the Core Change Institute, we have decided to upgrade book therapy with an authentic meeting with creators. Our first guest was Zlatko Blažič, author of the book The History of My Heroin Addiction. In conversation with him, he shared experiences of recovery from addiction and we got a valuable testimony that life after addiction is worth the effort.



Stay in touch with Sanja's work and read her weekly blog.



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