News Archive: 2022
This are Sanja's events from the past years
Intellect radio show:
Are cosmetic surgeries making us an ugly society?
Sanja Rozman was a guest on the radio show Radio Prvi RTV SLO, Intelekta, hosted by Liana Buršič. We talked about the beauty surgery trend. The other guests were plastic surgeon dr. Ahčan and Prof. Dr. Metka Kuhar, Professor of Social Psychology.
Radio show with Dr. Sanja Rozman: It’s good to know about addiction
Good ideas transcend the borders. You are kindly invited to listen to the conversation that Sanja Rozman and journalist Elena Legiša had for Radio Trieste in Italy on 22. 11. 2022 in the section Good to Know on the show STUDIA D. You can listen to the show on the podcast at the link below.
19th Conference on Youth and Crime Organization of the Slovenian Police
At the 19th conference YOUTH AND CRIME with the subtitle CHILDREN IN THE TRAP OF SOCIETAL CHANGES organized by the Slovenian Police, 25 October 2022, starting at 9 a. m., at the National House Maribor, Sanja Rozman gave a lecture: Youth in the Traps of Modern Technologies and Addiction in front of an audience of 200 police officers, professionals in schools and at the Centers for Social Work.
In her presentation, she highlighted the latest data from the NIJZ survey on the prevalence of chemical and non-chemical addictions in our country, with emphasis on the dangers of excessive use and addiction of the Internet, video games, social networks, online gambling and pornography. She explained to the participants where they can get relevant information and help in dealing with children and adolescents with such problems.
LIVE SHOW 3 Seconds – 'Going One Step Further'
Today, 18. 10. 2022 we recorded the last of the high-profile broadcasts “3 seconds” as part of the project "Going one step further," in which for two years we have been preparing talk shows "live" on the topic of addiction prevention.
The audience was young people from the last triad of primary school and their parents, as well as teachers who learned about the difficult topics of addiction in a relaxed, youth-friendly way. They were particularly interested in modern forms of addiction: social media, video games, news, etc. The virtual world is huge and not always safe, so parents were also present and we encouraged them to dialogue, learn, and successfully set boundaries for their children and, of course, for themselves!
The fate of the continuation of the project is uncertain, while we are waiting for the outcome of the calls, we are working on a new project: the TV platform Neodvisen. tv.
It is true: Bojan Kodelja founded a TV studio to publish and produce original documentaries and educational programmes.
Neodvisen. tv begins broadcasting on November 14, 2022.
Centre of Change
Moving our facility to new, larger premises
In September 2022, the Core Change Institute moved to new premises in GTC at Brnčičeva 13. The old facility has become too small for all the activities we intend to carry out, in order to be able to represent a holistic approach even more than before.
The new premises of the Centre for Change allow for many additional activities, which we will use to enrich and diversify our work, with special emphasis on the holistic development of the psychological, physical, relational and spiritual dimensions.
Thus, we acquired a gym where we will be able to perform activities that are important for the regulation of stress, as well as regular physical exercise aimed at recovery from the physical consequences of addiction and stress and appropriate prevention.
In the adjacent rooms for group activities, we will complement the existing individual and group psychotherapy with various new activities important for socializing and learning harmonious relationships:
1. BOOK CLUB – featuring Book of the Month.
2. GROUP VIEWING OF THE FILM - with commentary and discussion at the end.
3. EDUCATIONAL LECTURES - on current topics.
4. CREATIVE WORKSHOPS - for developing new ways of expression, overcoming tremor, developing creativity and socializing.
5. MEDITATION and RELAXATION WITH STRETCHING and YOGA, which will henceforth be a regular part of group meetings.
We have created a home where recovery from trauma and addiction can be safe, intensified and holistic. We look forward to new beginnings!
Documentary film
'Children of Alcoholics'
A documentary about the children of alcoholics will draw attention to the problems that so many of us have. They feel different, strange, like they don’t belong in this world. They drift from one traumatic relationship to another. They try to help everyone but themselves. They don’t know that they are overcoming the consequences of chronic childhood trauma due to their parents’ alcoholism. Let the film open your eyes to this.
Natalia Gorščak’s film Children of Alcoholics will be on the program of Television Slovenia on 15 November 2022.
The Reporter Magazine:
'Abusers were also sexually abused as children'
Some abusers were also sexually abused as children.
Read the interview with Sanja Rozman in Reporter magazine. Author Ana Jud talked to her about why some people become sex offenders and how—if so—this is related to addiction.
Broadcast on the First Programme of Radio Slovenia
On the International Day against Violence
Listen to the first programme of Radio Slovenia, Between the Four Walls about sexual violence, at the beginning of the International Days for the Elimination of Violence against Women. The guests of the show were Špela Veselič from the SOS Phone Association for Women and Children – Victims of Violence and psychotherapist Sanja Rozman.
Live Podcast with Sanja Rozman:
'Prevention of addiction happens in the family'
You are invited to watch the podcast of Maja Furman’s show for the portal LIVE IN THE EVENING with guest Dr. Sanjo Rozman, a psychotherapist, doctor and founder of the Core Change Institute. They talked about non-chemical addictions.
Magazine Obrazi:
Interview with Sanja Rozman
In the May issue of Obrazi magazine, read an interview with Sanja Rozman by journalist Patricija Fašalek: “More than half of people compensate instead of solving problems. ” We talked about relationship addiction and how a person recovers from it.
Sanja Rozman's Lecture:
Counseling and Motivational Techniques for Working with Patients Part VIII
Counseling and Motivational Techniques for Working with Patients Part VIII
Sanja Rozman lectured at the professional education entitled Counseling and Motivational Techniques for Work with Patients, Part VIII, on Thursday and Friday, 19 and 20 May 2022, at Terme Zreče, organized by the Section of Nurses and Health Technicians in Psychiatry at Zbornici-Zveza.
She gave a plenary lecture on relationship addiction and two workshops on therapeutic techniques for working with patients.
Sanja's Webinar for the U.S. Journal
Sanja Rozman presented a webinar for psychologists, social workers, marriage and family therapists, and counselors,
hosted by U.S. Journal in the Behavioral Addictions in Adolescents and Young Adults: Certificate Series.
Behavioral addictions, also referred to as process addictions, are characterized by obsessive and compulsive urges to partake in specific behaviors. These addictions are habitual and provide an emotional high that encourages the individual to continue engaging in potentially dangerous and reckless behaviors, despite negative consequences. With gambling, gaming, shopping, and pornography addictions becoming increasingly common among adolescents and young adults, clinicians who work with this demographic will benefit from a broader scope of knowledge and context around these co-occurring disorders. This certificate series provides an understanding of what constitutes behavioral addiction, how it manifests in a variety of arenas, and how to address the root causes that catalyze problematic behaviors.
Talk show Talking over Coffee:
'Help! My only purpose in life is to be a mother.'
"Help! My only purpose in life is to be a mother. ”
We invite you to watch the video of the show Chat over Coffee.
Presented by: Neža Marolt
Guest: Dr. Sanja Rozman
Talk show Talking over Coffee:
'How do you know if you’re traumatized? - Five Signs!'
We invite you to watch the video of the show Chat over Coffee.
Presented by: Neža Marolt
Guest: Dr. Sanja Rozman
Intellect Show:
'Online Dating and Modern Partnerships'
We invite you to listen to the show Intelekta, where we talked about how online dating portals have changed the way men and women meet today.
Presented by: Liana Bursič
Guests: Dr. Sanja Rozman, founder of the Ona-on portal Luka Kogovšek, prof. at the Faculty of Arts Roman Kuhar.